
Custom-build homes at Calderwood

Stirling Developments are delighted to announce an exciting new approach to residential development with their launch of 18 custom-build homes at Calderwood.

Stirling Developments has formed a parternship with Dan-Wood, one of Europe’s foremost off-site housing manufacturers.

Dan-Wood use cutting-edge technology to produce high-quality, energy-efficient homes. We have a choice of 18 house styles, from bungalows to two-storey detached houses, depending on the size of plot, all of which can be further customised to suit different tastes and lifestyles.

Unlike other self-build opportunities, the plot buyer need only choose their preferred house design – making the process of delivering your dream home as stress-free as possible.

Our houses combine superb quality of design and construction with exceptional value for money. Thermal-efficiency and ventilation comes as standard in every house – ensuring comfortable, cost-effective and energy-efficient living.

Stirling Developments has 18 large, attractive plots for sale varying in size from 0.10 – 0.24 acres and 18 house types to choose from.

Bespoke mortgages are also available for custom-home buyers allowing you to stay in your existing home until your custom-build home is completed – making for an easier transition into your new, dream home.

For all enquires, please contact in the first instance who can put you in touch with a Dan-Wood representative. We look forward to hearing from you!