Calderwood Primary School has opened its doors to pupils.
Our new school is settling in well to Calderwood and fast becoming the hub of the community.
The site for the new school is at the heart of the emerging Calderwood masterplan development, located adjacent to the new village square (yet to commence) which will consist of retail/housing and mixed use development. The school forms one edge to the village square and the design was influenced by a necessity for the school building to fulfil the role of a community orientated public building. The school will be a significant public face of the newly emerging square and Calderwood settlement, and will symbolise a high level of investment in the education for the new population of school pupils, providing a twenty first century contemporary building for the emerging and growing Calderwood population.
Central to the scheme is a double height dining space that offers flexibility for breakout teaching and provides connection to all areas of the school. The adjacent gymnasium opens up to the dining area, allowing flexibility and movement for larger groups or performances whilst the heller-up seating offers opportunities for smaller groups to gather or learn with views towards the village square. Classroom accommodation is semi-open plan providing connection with adjacent flexible breakout zones whilst offering views over the landscaped playground.
We are very proud of the school and look forward to seeing it flourish in the years to come.