Calderwood offers a range of 2 – 6 bedroom homes, ensuring there is something for every budget and life stage.
One of the reasons Calderwood homes stand out from the pack is the carefully considered palette of materials and colours that are a feature throughout Calderwood. Our shared space streets create safer environments where pedestrians have priority and the car is guest. Generous landscaping ensures nature will always have a home within Calderwood.

Find your new home at Calderwood today.

Custom Build

Calderwood has a number of custom build opportunities available which offer a perfect fit for sustainable future living.
A wide selection of homes, built using modern technologies, are available to choose from and are all customisable to suit your needs.
Bespoke mortgages will be available for custom build buyers which will allow you to stay in your existing home until your custom build home is completed – making for an easier transition into your new, dream home. We’ve got everything covered!
For all enquiries, please contact stephen@stirlingdevelopments.co.uk in the first instance. Get in touch today to avoid disappointment!

Calderwood delivers the 20-minute neighbourhood where an array of community facilities are available within easy walking distance.
Your new home will have high-speed fibre broadband allowing you to work from home reliably and efficiently if needed. In time, Calderwood’s village centre will host businesses and office spaces so residents can walk to work rather than commute. For those who need to keep in touch with the city, Calderwood is only a short journey away from either Livingston or Edinburgh, by train, from the nearby Kirknewton rail station.

The Calderwood Café (see left) was designed and delivered by Stirling Developments to provide a place for the community to meet and connect.
It has undoubtedly been a challenging time for the catering industry in recent months due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. However, the team behind the Calderwood Café haven’t allowed this to dampen their spirits. The cafe’s superb menu, friendly demeanour and speedy delivery service have proven to be a hit with the community.
For more information and daily specials, click here.